Riptide Override: Sprint 4
Sprint 4 was rather interesting. We had a few days to work on the project before our Spring break happened. Letting the group relax and take a break was great, but it also created a bit of a dip in our workflow. When we finally got back a week later, it took all of a rather significant amount of time to get back into a efficient workflow. That being said, we actually completed the most points ever this sprint, and I set a new personal record for the amount of points I completed.
The first thing I did was wrap up some issues that became apparent at the end of Sprint 3. This was actually regarding combining the new background with the new puzzle levels:
After a week into this sprint, we were fortunate to have a class playtest, this helped point out some of the flaws in our game, and we were able to subsequently improve upon them. The largest complaint was regarding the player feeling "too heavy". I edited the values for the player to make the downward pull of gravity faster, but not stronger, and almost doubled the jump force to let the player rise at a faster speed. This lets the player feel more agile, and have more control.
Another issue I fixed while working on that, was a glitch that caused the player to shake and vibrate anytime upward or downward force hit their max speed. By redoing the movement system to be more efficient, I was able to completely resolve this issue.
I also hopefully the last edit to the Coral Level, which rolled over to Sprint 4. This was adding in rotating fish in the background. All three of these changes and fixes can be seen in the gif below.
The main work I started on for this Sprint was Level 3. This was a Ice themed level, and I believe I was able to complete roughly 50% during the sprint.
The first thing as always I started on was the blockout.
This greatly helps give a feeling of depth to the level, which is very important as the player is locked the Z axis. Furthermore to help the illusion of depth, I implemented fog and dynamic lighting. Due to how fog is based on distance, I can not provide a screenshot of the entire level with it, only a zoomed in portion.
Next I started working on background prop objects to help fill in the level. Not only does this help with depth, as they are all placed on different Z levels, but it also helps reinforce the theme of the level, which is Ice/Arctic. The first 2 props were variations of each other. The Ice Crystal and the Ice Flower. One is point and slender, and the other is short and wide, over 40 of these are currently present in the level.
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