Riptide Override: Sprint 6
This is our last full sprint for the project, with Sprint 7 having less time then the others. Because of this, it was the last sprint to really push out and big features. The majority of my time on this sprint was spent on the Boss Level. What was particularly time consuming was creating the model for the boss itself. Here's a wireframe of the current model. For our workflow, and I've mentioned this in previous sprint reports, my goal is to stay completely in Unity. That means avoiding things like Maya or Painter; the idea was that this would greatly speed up our workflow if we stuck to a singular environment and application, as well and resolve potential issues that could come up from importing/exporting between programs. As well as greatly decreasing time spent, as these programs are more complex. This methodology has worked very well up until this point. The boss is by far the most complex model in the game, yet as always, it was created using overlays of basic geometrical ...